Today was a sunny day! I arrived UTM around 10 am in the morning. This place is much bigger than I thought. It looks like a big town and Mission College is only 1% of it. The place that I need to go is called C 08. Mind you that C 08 is referring to a building, not a classroom or a office. UTM is so big that they need to name each of the building according to the alphabetical order. And under each of the alphabet there is numbers beside it to represent the block (I think). So if you want to find C 08 first you need to walk through A and B.
After a few round of getting lost, finally C08 is right in front of my eyes! Now I need to find the Bioinformatics Lab and look for a girl called Ms Izzati. Meeting this girl was like out of expectation. I guess I am still shock to see the people in Malaysia... I just not used to hearing Malay language (instead of Thai language) around me and seeing Malay people (instead of Thai people) too!~ Sigh to say I am having cultural shock with my own country!
Ms Izzati led me to the place that I am going to stay. It is in Kolej Tun Doktor Ismail (College of Tun Doctor Ismail) or KTDI. You see, there are 17 colleges with similar names (either KTDI, KTHO, KTR and etc) and each of this college consists of boys' hostels and girls' hostels and these colleges hold about 25,000 students. You can imagine these hostels are. The rent for my room was Rm4 per day which equals to 40 baht includes electricity and water. Cheap right? My hostel is only about 15 minutes walk away from C08, which is good because I don't have to worry about being late to the lab :)
Dr Shahir was not around yet. I am going to see him tomorrow.
I just spend the time to unpack all of my stuff for the rest of the day. Been an international student for so many years has enabled me to do it professionally!
Monday, February 16, 2009
December 30
Posted by SunSeT at 10:56 AM
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